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Minor characters in LINK CLICK.

Season 1[]

Emma's Mother[]

Emma's Mother
Emma's Mother Icon
Donghua: Episode 1 — EMMA
Chinese Voice: Zhang Yuxi
English Voice: Luci Christian
Japanese Voice: Megumi Okada (岡田 恵)

Emma's Father[]

Emma's Father
Emma's Father Icon
Donghua: Episode 1 — EMMA
Chinese Voice: Song Xiaojun
English Voice: Christopher Wehkamp
Japanese Voice: Susumu Akagi (赤城 進)

Ms. Zhu[]

Ms. Zhu
Donghua: Episode 1 — EMMA
Chinese Voice: Youyou
English Voice: Michelle Rojas
Japanese Voice: Emi Shinohara (篠原 恵美子)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Zhu Ye's Wife. She angrily barges in on a meeting and accuses her husband of having an affair with Emma. Zhu Ye denies this, and instead claims that it's Emma who's constantly badgering him. She then slaps Emma hard, causing her to fall to the ground.

Liu Lei[]

Liu Lei (Chinese: 刘磊 Liú Lěi)
Liu Lei Icon
Donghua: Episode 3 — To Lose, Not To Win
Chinese Voice: Gu Jiangshan (谷江山)
English Voice: Clifford Chapin
Japanese Voice: Chiharu Sawashiro (沢城千春)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

The captain of the basketball team at Long Yang No. 1 Middle School in 2008, participating in the game against Chen Xiao's team. Before the game, he and his teammates mock the state of their opponent's basketball court, assuming the game to be an easy win.

He quickly goes on to prove himself a dirty player, intentionally injuring Lu Hongbin - Motor Factory Middle's captain - while the latter was being distracted. However, after Chen Xiao comes in to replace the captain, Liu Lei grows increasingly frustrated by the substitute's surprising talent. He attempts to hinder Chen Xiao by "accidentally" destroying the latter's glasses, unknowingly shooting himself in the foot, since Cheng Xiaoshi (who is currently possessing Chen Xiao) does not need glasses. Not long afterward, Motor Factory Middle wins the game. Liu Lei is disgruntled about the loss, and wonders about Chen Xiao.

When the earthquake hits later that day, Liu Lei is riding a bus home along with his team, sleeping.

Chen Meijuan[]

Chen Meijuan (Chinese: 陈美娟 Chén Měijuān)
Chen Meijuan Icon
Donghua: Episode 4 — Confess
Chinese Voice: Chen Xinyu
English Voice: Elizabeth Maxwell
Japanese Voice: Michie Tomizawa (富沢 美智恵)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Chen Xiao's Mother
(Description to be added.)

Chen Xiao's Father[]

Chen Xiao's Father
Chen Xiao's Father Icon
Donghua: Episode 4 — Confess
Chinese Voice: Zhang Jie
English Voice: Jacob Craner
Japanese Voice: Nobuaki Kanemitsu (金光 宣明)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Chen Xiao's Father
(Description to be added.)

Li Liang[]

Li Liang (Chinese: 李良 Lǐ Liáng)
Li Liang Icon
Donghua: Episode 6 — Search of the Child
Chinese Voice: Zhang He
English Voice: J. Michael Tatum
Japanese Voice: Nobuo Tobita (飛田 展男)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Li Doudou's Father
(Description to be added.)

Li Liang's Wife[]

Li Liang's Wife
Li Liang's Wife Icon
Donghua: Episode 6 — Search of the Child
Chinese Voice: ???
English Voice: Amber Lee Connors
Japanese Voice: Yōko Honna (本名 陽子)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Li Doudou's Mother
(Description to be added.)

Season 2[]

Chen Bin's Wife[]

Chen Bin's Wife
Chen Bin's Wife Icon
Donghua: Episode 12 — Falling
Chinese Voice: Nie Xiying
English Voice: Cassie Ewulu
Japanese Voice: Ayumi Orii (折井 あゆみ)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Chen Bin's Wife
(Description to be added.)

Xiao Deng[]

Xiao Deng (Chinese: 小邓 Xiǎo Dèng)
Xiao Deng Icon
Donghua: Episode 15 — Them In The Photo
Chinese Voice: Cai Zhuangzhuang
English Voice: Brandon Acosta
Japanese Voice: Masamichi Kitada (北田 理道)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

(Description to be added.)

Chen Nan[]

Chen Nan (Chinese: 陈楠 Chén Nán)
Chen Nan Icon
Donghua: Episode 20 — Three Stories
Chinese Voice: Cheng Li (橙璃)
English Voice: ???
Japanese Voice: Toa Yukinari (行成 とあ)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Chen Nan is Qian Jin's wife and a stage actor, stage name Lisa, who was very passionate about her job. She worked particularly closely with fellow actor Zhuang Shuai. While their relationship was completely professional, it stirred the jealousy of Chen Nan's husband, Qian Jin.

After growing worried for their theater's future due to a dropping number of spectators, Chen Nan looked to rent a cheaper venue for their stage plays. In an attempt to soothe her overprotective husband's worries over her going out so late for a viewing, she lied to him that Zhuang Shuai was with her. Ironically, this worsened the problem as it led to Qian Jin wrongly assuming his wife was having an affair with Zhuang Shuai.

Over time, Qian Jin grew more and more certain of Chen Nan having an extramarital affair, eventually culminating in him murdering his wife.

Zhuang Shuai[]

Zhuang Shuai (Chinese: 庄帅 Zhuāng Shuài)
Zhuang Shuai Icon
Donghua: Episode 20 — Three Stories
Chinese Voice: Lyu Siheng (吕思衡)
English Voice: ???
Japanese Voice: Kazuyuki Okitsu (興津 和幸)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Zhuang Shuai had a great passion for stage acting and worked with Qian Jin's wife, Chen Nan. While the two maintained a normal work relationship, Qian Jin wrongly assumed that his wife was having an affair with Zhuang Shuai, leading him to murder his wife. The truth of the homicide was concealed by Qian Jin and Zhuang Shuai was suspected to be the murderer, but he was not convicted due to a lack of evidence. Months later, Li Tianchen, on Qian Jin's orders, used his remote control power to possess Zhuang Shuai, manipulating him to leave a note confessing to the murder of Chen Nan before committing suicide.

Bridon Arc[]

Manhua Author[]

Manhua Author
Manhua Author Icon
Donghua: Episode 24 — So Time Begins to Flow Again
Chinese Voice: Zhang Xinfang (张馨方)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Author of Ran Xi Chronicles and Shen Miaomiao's idol.
(Description to be added.)

Ma Dong[]

Ma Dong (Chinese: 马东 Mǎ Dōng)
Ma Dong Icon
Donghua: Episode 24 — So Time Begins to Flow Again
Chinese Voice: ???
  • Overview
  • Appearances

(Description to be added.)

Zhao Qiang[]

Zhao Qiang (Chinese: 赵强 Zhào Qiáng)
Zhao Qiang Icon
Donghua: Episode 24 — So Time Begins to Flow Again
Chinese Voice: ???

Qiao Ling's Father[]

Qiao Ling's Father
Character Placeholder Icon
Donghua: Episode 25 — Prelude
Chinese Voice: Yi Li (李逸)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Qiao Ling's father. At some point in the past, he was warned by Shao Yuanyuan to not let Cheng Xiaoshi go to Bridon if he truly cared about him. He now lets Cheng Xiaoshi live in the Time Photo Studio after his parents' mysterious disappearance and offered him ten years of free rent.

Bookstore Owner[]

Bookstore Owner
Bookstore Owner Icon
Donghua: Episode 26 — Them
Chinese Voice: ???
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Owner of a small bookstore in Bridon. He helped Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang locate the book Cheng Weimin wrote a secret message in. Afterwards, he contacted Xia Fei about their appearance and whereabouts.

Uncle Feng[]

Uncle Feng
Uncle Feng Icon
Donghua: Episode 27 — And Then There Were None
Chinese Voice: Yang Xiaoran (杨潇然)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Owner of the Bahati Bar in Bridon. He met with Cheng Xiaoshi, who was looking for any information about his father, Cheng Weimin. After a brief moment of shock from hearing the name, he recomposed himself and claimed he knew nothing about Cheng Weimin. He then explains the origins of the bar's name, "Bahati", and the fire that took place on the property ten years prior, and how there was only one survivor in that tragic accident.

James Brown[]

James Brown
James Brown Icon
Donghua: Episode 27 — And Then There Were None
Chinese Voice: Lan Taoyi (兰陶倚)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

A man Cheng Xiaoshi accidentally posses for the first time through a social media post about the Bahati Language School fire. Cheng Xiaoshi's confusion turns to panic upon seeing his reflection in the mirror as not himself, but he then hears a sound calling for help from within the burning school.

Driven by urgency, he exits the car, burns his hands on the hot door handle and then breaks in through a window. Inside, he spots a young girl calling for help with a foot stuck under debris. As he attempts to reach her, more debris falls, blocking his path. Looking around, he is confronted with a horrific scene of victims buried under the burning wreckage.

Amid the chaos, he hears a woman's voice calling out the name "Cheng Weimin." Following the voice upstairs, he bursts into the room, followed immediately by the roof collapsing. Cheng Xiaoshi is then ejected out of James' body.

A later social media post would show James survived the fire, and had major burns on his hands.


Amy Icon
Donghua: Episode 28 — Reunion
Chinese Voice: Xiao Xiao (肖潇)
  • Overview
  • Appearances

Amy was a student at Bahati Language School. She repeatability bullied and abused Wang Qing and forced her to share test answers since Wang Qing was at the top of the class.


Jack Icon
Donghua: Episode 29 — Puzzle
Chinese Voice: Yin Boyi (尹博一)

Special Characters[]


Elizabeth Icon
Donghua: Episode 3 (The Daily Life in Lighttime)
Chinese Voice: Qian Chen
An orange cat that Cheng Xiaoshi found and tried to convince Lu Guang to help take care of and join the Time Photo Studio as its newest member. While hesitant at first, Lu Guang quickly grew fond of the cat, ordering deliveries of cat food and toys and taking pictures of her. Cheng Xiaoshi gets jealous that the cat favors Lu Guang instead of him.

When Qiao Ling asks about the cat's name, Cheng Xiaoshi says he thought Lu Guang's suggestion of "Elizabeth" was too corny and instead suggests names such as "Dogball," "Ironegg," and "Grenade". Qiao Ling then receives a new task for the studio but discovers that Elizabeth was actually a local family's missing cat. Lu Guang becomes depressed that they had to return Elizabeth back to her real family. When Cheng Xiaoshi tries to cheer him up, Lu Guang decides they should remember her as "Elizabeth" and look at a photo of them all together.

Li Haoling[]

Li Haoling (Chinese: 李豪凌 Lǐ Háolíng)
Li Haoling Icon
Donghua: Episode 18 (The Daily Life in Lighttime)
Chinese Voice: Li Haoling
The creator and director of Link Click. Qiao Ling invites him to the Time Photo Studio and he teases Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi about what might happen in the second season.

Xiaoyao Sanren[]

Xiaoyao Sanren (Chinese: 逍遥散人 Xiāoyáo Sànrén)
Xiaoyao Sanren Icon
Donghua: Troubles of Ordinary People
Chinese Voice: Xiaoyao Sanren (逍遥散人)
(Description to be added.)

Lin Kai[]

Lin Kai (Chinese: 林凯 Lín Kǎi)
Lin Kai Icon
Manhua: Chapter 1 — 幕起 (Curtain Rises)
Lin Kai is a character from the Link Click manhua.
(Description to be added.)

